Photo Illustration for The New Yorker's Flash Fiction piece, "Listening for the Click," by Johanna Ekström, 2021

Concept Sketch 

Photo Illustration for The New Yorker's Flash Fiction piece, "All Lot of Things Have Happened," by Adam Levin, 2022

Concept Sketch

Photo Illustration for New Yorker's Flash Fiction piece, "Life with Spider," story by Patrick Langley

Concept Sketch

Ode to Diaspora Jew,2024

Featured in New York Magazine’s Issue: Torn Up

and Apart, article titled “The War in Gaza and New York.”

After October 7th, observant Jewish Americans began reconsidering how and when to conceal their religious identity. In this image, Yosef Itzkowitz, a resident of Manhattan’s Upper West Side, wears a baseball cap to conceal his kippah.

Currently on view as part of the show TZIMTZUM at The Jerusalem Biennale 2024 and submitted by New York Magazine for consideration

for the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism 2024.

Image of Rivka Galchen for New York Magazine

Image of Patti LuPone for New York Magazine

Image of Chanti for New York Magazine

Image of Amy Lerner for Wall Street Journal

Feature in Verklempt! Magazine

Feature in Verklempt! Magazine, cont. 

Feature in Verklempt! Magazine, cont.

Feature in Verklempt! Magazine, cont.

Photo Illustration for Wall Street Journal

Photo Illustration for Tablet Magazine

Image for Tablet Magazine

Image for Tablet Magazine

Image for Tablet Magazine

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